Wall High School Scoreboard Dedication

Wall High School Scoreboard Dedication

On Friday, September 7, 2018 at 6:30 p.m., Wall Township Police Officers and Lakewood Township Police Officers attended the Wall High School Scoreboard Dedication Ceremony on the football field at Wall High School.  The ceremony was held prior to the start of the varsity football game against Lakewood High School.  The scoreboard is dedicated to the victims and families affected by the 911 tragedy.  The new scoreboard was paid for by funds raised by the Wall PBA in a charity football game supporting the families of 911.  Additional funding for the scoreboard was raised by donations from Wall PBA, residents and local business owners.  The Wall Township Police Department and the administrative staff of Wall Public Schools have fully supported this benevolent initiative by the Wall PBA.

Pictured below: Wall Township Police Officers standing at attention during the dedication ceremony

For any additional information please contact the Wall Police Public Information Officer:

Captain Greg Carpino #130


(732) 449-4500 ext. 1130

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wallpolice.org/wall-high-school-scoreboard-dedication