Wall Township Police Youth Police Academy Day #2

Wall Township Police Youth Police Academy Day #2

Tuesday, June 25, 2019 was the second day of the Wall Township Youth Police Academy Class #5.  The day started with military drill then a presentation on composite sketches given by Detective Moises Martinez of the New Jersey State Police Composite Artist Unit.   Wall Township Police Sergeant Jack Gramlich, who is also a DRE (Drug Recognition Expert), then gave a presentation on the capabilities of drug recognition experts during active investigations.

Pictured below is NJSP Detective Moises Martinez speaking about suspect composite drawings.

Pictured below is Sergeant Jack Gramlich speaking about the capabilities of a drug recognition expert

For any additional information please contact the Wall Police Public Information Officer:
Captain Greg Carpino #130


(732) 449-4500 ext 1130

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wallpolice.org/wall-township-police-youth-police-academy-day-2