
This past week the Wall Township Police Department, in collaboration with the administrative staff of Wall High School, presented an interactive high school opiate awareness program titled #NotEvenOnce.  This three-day program is an interactive course instructed by Wall Township Police Officers that informs students about the dangers of opiates before they leave for college or enter the work force.  The program meets all the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for health classes and is taught to students during their senior year of high school.


The instructors, Sgt. Jack Gramlich, Sgt. Amy Drackwicz, Det. Ty Hughes, Det. Steve Swenson, and Ptl. Mike Cacciatore present information on opiates, specifically heroin and fentanyl, by showing the students what the drug, signs of the drug, and effects of the drug look like.  The final day of class, the students and school counselors have an interactive conversation with a recovery coach, who shares stories of their addiction to opiates and road to recovery.


The #NotEvenOnce program is just one of many collaborative efforts between the Wall Township Police Department and the Wall Township Public Schools to provide a safe and drug free environment for our children.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wallpolice.org/notevenonce