Wall Police Instruct at Wall High School

On Thursday, January 3, 2018 Sergeant Jack Gramlich and Patrolman Zach Honecker, along with Frank Neary from AAA Mid-Atlantic, conducted a presentation for Wall Township High School students on the effects of impaired driving while being under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.  During the presentation, students also took part in the interactive “Fatal Vision” driving simulation course in which they utilize “Fatal Vision” goggles.  The goggles simulate the impairments of alcohol or narcotics.  While wearing the goggles, the students operate a “pedal car” and have to navigate through a road course in the gymnasium.  The Wall Township Police Department continues these programs in partnership with the Wall Township Public Schools as part of the Wall Township Police Department’s Safe School Initiative.


Pictured below from left to right are Ptl. Zach Honecker and Sgt. Jack Gramlich.

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