Wall Police Youth Academy Day #1

Wall Police Youth Academy Day #1

On Monday, June 25, 2018 the Wall Township Youth Police Academy Class #4 started. The day started with Chief Kenneth Brown Jr. welcoming all the cadets. Then the class was instructed on basic military drill. A mock crime scene was enacted followed by instruction and cadet participation in basic crime scene investigation and witness identification. The day ended with the cadets participating in daily physical training. Continue to follow us for daily updates on the activities of the Wall Township Youth Police Academy Class #4.

Chief Kenneth Brown Jr. welcomes the new cadets

Sgt. Lister and Sgt. Tozer instruct military drill

Det. Flannigan of the Monmouth County Prosecutors Office instructs basic fingerprinting

The cadets take part in daily physical training with Ptl. Hughes, Ptl. Mason and Ptl. Kennedy

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wallpolice.org/wall-police-youth-academy-day-1